Royal Lavender Love Bouquet
Royal Lavender Love Bouquet
Delight in the regal charm of our "Royal Lavender Love" bouquet. This medium-sized, visually stunning arrangement marries ultra premium long stem Ocean Song roses with delicate light pink spray roses, subtly accented with wax flowers and the refreshing greenery of eucalyptus. The soft color palette evokes a sense of tranquil passion and romantic allure, making it an impeccable choice for moments you wish to make memorable. Whether it's an expression of adoration, celebration, or sympathy, this bouquet is a testament to the sophistication and depth of your sentiments.
Lavender Rose Bouquet Romantic Floral Arrangement
Soft Color Bouquets Elegant Mixed Flowers Medium Size Bouquet
Ocean Song Rose Arrangement Pink Spray Roses Wax Flower Bouquet
Eucalyptus Greenery Flowers Premium Love Bouquet
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same-Day Delivery Guaranteed When You Order Before 3 PM.
Care Tips
Care Tips
- Change the water entirely every 2-3 days
- Trim at least a half inch of stem off your flowers before you put them in a vase
- Keep your flowers away from heat and bright light
- Use "flower food" for most flowers
- Use sharp scissors when cutting