One Dozen Lavender Roses (12 Stems)
One Dozen Lavender Roses (12 Stems)
This exquisite bouquet from Toy Florist features a dozen ultra-premium, long-stem Ecuadorian roses, each carefully selected for its exceptional quality and length, 60 and 70cm. The roses, in a captivating lavender hue, exude royal luxury, making them a symbol of elegance and grace. Wrapped in Toy Florist's signature bouquet wrapping, this arrangement is not just a gift, but a grand gesture, reflecting the utmost in sophistication and refined taste. Perfect for expressing deep admiration or love, it's a bouquet that truly stands out in its beauty and luxurious presentation.
Regular price
$85.00 CAD
Regular price
Sale price
$85.00 CAD
Unit price
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same-Day Delivery Guaranteed When You Order Before 3 PM.
Care Tips
Care Tips
- Change the water entirely every 2-3 days
- Trim at least a half inch of stem off your flowers before you put them in a vase
- Keep your flowers away from heat and bright light
- Use "flower food" for most flowers
- Use sharp scissors when cutting